Place commas correctly and write the numerals:

(a) Seventy three lakh seventy five thousand three hundred seven.

(b) Nine crore five lakh forty one.

(c) Seven crore fifty two lakh twenty one thousand three hundred two.

(d) Fifty eight million four hundred twenty three thousand two hundred two.

(e) Twenty three lakh thirty thousand ten.

(a) Seventy three lakh seventy five thousand three hundred seven;

Let’s break the sentence first,

Seventy three lakh = 7,300,000

Seventy five thousand = 75,000

Three hundred and seven = 307

By adding above numbers we get,

73, 00,000+75,000+307

=73, 00,000+75,307

= 73,75,307

(b) Nine crore five lakh forty one

Nine crore = 9,00,00,000

Five lakh = 5,00,000

Forty one = 41

Now add the above numbers,

9, 0000,000 + 5, 00,000 + 41

= 9, 0000,000 + 5,00,041

= 9,05,00,041

(c) Seven crore fifty two lakh twenty one thousand three hundred two,

Seven crore = 7,0000,000

Fifty two lakh = 52,00,000

Twenty one thousand = 21,000

Three hundred and two = 302

By adding all the above numbers we get,

= 7, 0000,000 + 52, 00,000 + 21,000 + 302

= 7, 0000,000 + 52, 00,000 + 21,302

= 7, 0000,000 + 52, 21,302

= 7, 52,21,302

(d) Fifty eight million four hundred twenty three thousand two hundred two

Fifty eight million = 58, 000,000

Four hundred twenty three thousand = 4, 23,000

Two hundred and two = 202

By adding above numbers we get,

= 58, 000,000 + 4, 23,000 + 202

= 58, 000,000 + 4, 23,202

= 58,423,202

(e) Twenty three lakh thirty thousand ten,

Twenty three lakh = 23, 00,000

Thirty thousand = 30, 000

Ten = 10

Add the above numbers,

= 23, 00,000 + 30, 000 + 10

= 23, 00,000 + 30, 010

= 23, 30,010