Where will the hand of a clock stop if it.

(a) starts at 12 and makes of a revolution, clockwise?

(b) starts at 2 and makes of a revolution, clockwise?

(c) starts at 5 and makes of a revolution, clockwise?

(d) starts at 5 and makes of a revolution, clockwise?

In one complete revolution the hand of clock covers the 360°.

(a) When the hand of the clock starts from 12 and makes half of the revolution clockwise, so it will stop at 6 because half of the revolution is 180°.

(b) When the hand of the clock starts from 2 and makes half of the revolution clockwise which is of 180°, so it will stop at 8.

(c) When the hand of the clock starts from 5 and makes one fourth of the revolution clockwise which is a right angle (90°), so it will stop at 8.

(d) When the hand of the clock starts from 5 and makes three fourth of the revolution clockwise which is of 120°, so it will stop at 2.