Reduce the following fractions to their simplest form:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


(a) To reduce the fraction to its simplest form,

We will follow the following steps:


We can clearly observe that

is the simplest fraction

(b) In order to reduce the fraction to its simplest form,

We will follow the following steps:


We can clearly observe that

is the simplest fraction

(c) In order to reduce the fraction to its simplest form,

We will follow the following steps:


We can clearly observe that

is the simplest fraction

(d) In order to reduce the fraction to its simplest form,

We will follow the following steps:


We can clearly observe that

is the simplest fraction

(e) In order to reduce the fraction to its simplest form,

We will follow the following steps:


We can clearly observe that

is the simplest fraction.