Identify the operations (addition, substraction, division, multiplication) in forming the following expressions and tell how the expressions have been formed:
(a) z + 1, z – 1, y + 17, y – 17
(b) 17y , , 5z
(c) 2y + 17, 2y – 17
(d) 7m, - 7m + 3, -7m – 3
(a) From the above given expression it is clear that:
Addition, as 1 is added to z
Subtraction, as 1 is subtacted from z
Addition, as 17 is added to y
At last,
Subtraction, as 17 is subtacted from y
(b) From the above given expression it is clear that:
Multiplication, as y is multiplied with 17
Division, as y is divided by 17
Multiplication as z is multiplied with 5
(c) From the above given expression it is clear that:
There is multiplication and addition as:
y is multiplied with 2 and 17 is added to the result
There is multiplication and subtraction as:
y is multiplied with 2 and 17 is subtracted from the result
(d) From the above given expression it is clear that:
Multiplication, as m is multiplied with 7
There is multiplication and addition as m is multiplied with -7 and 3 is added to the result
At last,
There is multiplication ans subtraction as:
m is multiplied with -7 and 3 is subtracted from the result