Answer the following:

Meena, Beena and Leena are climbing the steps to the hill top. Meena is at step s, Beena is 8 steps ahead and Leena 7 steps behind. Where are Beena and Meena? The total number of steps to the hill yop is 10 less then 4 times what Meena has reached. Express the total number of steps using s.


According to the question,

We know that,

Meena is at step s


Step at which Beena is = (Step at which Meena is) + 8

= s + 8


Step at which Leena is = (Step at which Meena is) – 7

= s – 7


Total steps = 4 × (Step at which Meena is) – 10

= 4 × s – 10

= 4s – 10