Represent the following numbers as integers with appropriate signs.

(a) An aeroplane is flying at a height of two thousand metres above the ground.

(b) A submarine is moving at a depth, eight hundred metres below the sea level.

(c) A deposit of rupees two hundred.

(d) Withdrawal of rupees seven hundred.

(a) In the given question,

If we consider the level of the sea at neutral level,

Then the height above the sea level is considered as positive


The height below the sea level is considered as negative.


According to the question,

The integer with appropriate sign will be +2000.

(b) In the given question,

If we consider the level of the sea at neutral level,

Then the height above the sea level is considered as positive


The height below the sea level is considered as negative.


According to the question,

The integer with appropriate sign will be -800.

(c) We know that,

Deposit refers to the saving of money


Withdrawal refers to the intake of money.


According to the question,

The integer with appropriate sign will be +200.

(d) We know that,

Deposit refers to the saving of money


Withdrawal refers to the intake of money.


According to the question,

The integer with appropriate sign will be -700.