A wall 15 m long, 30 cm wide and 4 m high is made of bricks, each measuring 22 cm x 12.5 cm x 7.5 cm. If of the total volume of the wall consists of mortar, how many 12bricks are there in the wall?

Hint. Volume of bricks in the wall = {(1500 x 30 x 400) x (1500 x 30 x 400)1 cm3.

We know that,

Volume of cuboid = Length × Breadth × Height


Volume of the wall = 1500 × 30 × 400

= 18000000 cm3

Total quantity of mortar =

= 1500000 cm3


Volume of bricks = 18000000 – 1500000

= 16500000 cm3


Volume of a single brick = 22 × 12.56 × 7.5

= 2062.5 cm3


Total number of bricks =


= 8000 bricks