Look up the following words in a dictionary and find out how to pronounce them. Pay attention to how many syllables there are in each word, and find out which syllable is stressed, or said more forcefully.
Palpitations interfere implore thoroughbred pedigree principle evidence misfortune malicious embezzlement architect neighbours accustomed temporary behaviour documents |
Words |
Pronunciation |
Syllables |
Stress Or More forcefully |
Palpitations |
IkyfiVs'kal |
Pal-pi-ta-tions (4) |
T |
Interfere |
In-ter-fere (3) |
F |
Implore |
Im-plore (2) |
P |
Thoroughbred |
Thorough-bred (2) |
B |
pedigree |
Pe-di-gree (3) |
B |
Principle |
Prin-ci-ple (3) |
P |
Evidence |
Evi-dence (2) |
D |
Misfortune |
Mis-for-tune (3) |
f-t |
Malicious |
Ma-li-cious (3) |
M |
Embezzlement |
Em-be-zzle-ment (4) |
b |
Architect |
Archi-tect (2) |
a |
Neighbours |
Neigh-bours (2) |
n |
Accustomed |
Accus-tomed (2) |
k |
Temporary |
Tem-po-rary (3) |
t |
Behaviour |
Be-ha-viour (3) |
h |
Documents |
Do-cu-ments (3) |
d |