Classify the following as motion along a straight line, circular or oscillatory motion:

i. Motion of your hands while running.

ii. Motion of a horse pulling a cart on a straight road.

iii. Motion of a child in a merry-go-round.

iv. Motion of a child on a see-saw.

v. Motion of the hammer of an electric bell.

vi. Motion of a train on a straight bridge.

(i) Motion of hands while running are in oscillatory motion. They moves in a to-and fro motion and completes an oscillation when the hands moves from one extreme end to another extreme end and returns back to initial position. This type of motion is known as oscillatory motion.

(ii)Motion of a horse pulling a cart on a straight road is a straight-line motion because horse is pulling the cart on a straight line so the motion will be in a single direction and in straight line.

(iii) Motion of a child in a merry-go-round is circular motion because merry-go-round swing tends to move in a circular path and comes back to initial position after each round.

(iv) Motion of a child on a see-saw is an oscillatory motion. A see-saw moves in to-and fro- motion completes an oscillation when it moves from one extreme end to another extreme end and returns back to initial position.

(v) Motion of the hammer on an electric bell is also an oscillatory motion, because the hammer hits the bell and it vibrates rapidly.

(vi) Motion of a train on a straight bridge is a straight-line motion because on a straight bridge, the train will move straight as according the bridge.