Fill in the blanks with the appropriate answers:

a. People obtain groundwater through _____ and _____.

b. Three forms of water are _____,______ and _____.

c. The water bearing layer of the earth is ______.

d. The process of water seepage into the ground is called _______.

a. Wells and hand pumps

The ground water which have come from rainwater and other sources, is obtained using the wells and hand-pumps.

b. Solid (ice), Liquid (water) and gas (water vapour)

Water is present in three forms: Solid which is in the form of ice, liquid , in form of water and gas i.e. in form of water vapor or steam.

c. aquifer

The layer which bears water inside the Earth is known as Aquifer.

d. infiltration.

The water from rain or rivers, ponds etc. seeps through the soil and the empty space and cracks inside the ground are filled by this water. This process is known as Infiltration. The ground water thus gets stored through the process of infiltrations.