Make a list of toys and games that boys typically play and another for girls. If there is a difference between the two lists, can you think of some reasons why this is so? Does this have any relationship to the roles children have to play as adults?

This question requires self- explained answer by the students. For your reference, sample answer is given below-

Boys- cars, trucks, outdoor activities like cricket, tennis.

Girls- dolls, any indoor activities like helping mothers in kitchen and other household chores.

One of the major difference between the two lists is that boys are encouraged for outdoor activities whereas girls are being made to be inside the four walls of home. This is because of the society we live. In India patriarchy is practiced which is basically a male dominated society.

Since early years children has been nurtured in a well-defined gender role, that during adult age, they assumed same kind of work. Example- bread earning activities by boys and household work by girls.