You have read about the ways in which the media ‘sets the agenda’. What kind of effect does this have in a democracy? Provide two examples to support your point of view.

Because of the significant role played by the media in shaping our ideas and thoughts, it is often said that the media “sets the agenda”.

Thus, it is evident that media plays a significant role in deciding what to stories to share and therefore decides what is newsworthy. This kind of influence can have both positive and negative effects in a democracy. If media focuses only on one side of the issue, it will reflect biased opinion from the public. The views of the masses will be based on only one side of the story. They will not be able to judge or form their own opinion. To avoid such kind of situation, media always should present unbiased and balanced report. Let people themselves judge which party is wrong or right.


In one of the published reports, media highlights the alarming high level of pesticides in cola drinks. It made us aware to monitor these colas as per international standards and quality. On a positive note, media helped us focus on an issue which affects our lives. Also, if this would not have been in the news, we might not be aware of the situation.

on the other hand, there are several instances where media fails to raise awareness on significant issues in our lives. For example, drinking water is a major problem in the country. Every year, thousands of people suffer and die because they do not get safe drinking water. However, we seldom find the media discussing this issue.