Distinguish between population growth and population change.

Distinction between population growth and population change:

Population Growth

Population Change

1. Population growth is determined by the number of individuals added to the population and the number of lost individuals.

2. Population growth is determined by magnitude and pace.

3. By adding initial population size, birth rate and immigration and subtracting from the gross total, the death rates + emigration rates, growth is worked out.

4. Low annual rate results a large absolute increase in a large population. The annual rate decreases to 1.93% in 2001 from 1991’s 2.22% but there is absolute increase from 163.09 million population of 1991’s to 182.32 million in 2001.

1. Population change is determined by the birth rates, death rates, and migration.

2. What result in higher rates of population change are high birth rates and declining death rates.

3. This change may be positive or negative.

4. Population change depends on several factors, i.e. public awareness to family planning, restrictive legislations on immigration etc.