How does the Guru manage to save his disciple life?

The Guru had magical powers so he sensed that his disciple was in trouble. He reached the place and started an argument with the disciple. He stated that since he was greater than his disciple he should be put to death first. Stunned by the argument, the king asked the guru the reason for such an adamant argument. The guru told the king that whoever died first would serve as the king of the country in the next birth and the second person would serve as the minister when reborn. He further told that they were sick of their lives, hence it would be nice to be reborn as the king and the minister. This troubled the king as he didn’t want anyone else to be the king so he called his minister and planned with him that they would go to the stake themselves. The executioners were strictly ordered to execute the ones who came first. The king and the minister went secretly and were promptly executed by the executioner.

Thus, disciple’s life was saved.