In what ways did the Nazism state seek to establish total control over its people? 

Following are the ways Nazism state seek to establish total control over its people:

● On March 3, 1933, the famous Enabling Act was passed. It gave Hitler all powers to sideline Parliament and rule by decree. All political parties and trade unions were banned except for the Nazi party and its affiliates.

● Super surveillance and security forces were created to control and order society in the ways that the Nazis wanted.

● Apart from already existing regular police in green uniform and the SA or the Storm Troopers, these included the Gestapo, the SS, criminal police and the Security Service. It was the extra-constitutional powers of these newly organized forces that gave the Nazi state its reputation as the most dreaded criminal state. The police forces acquired powers to rule with impunity.

● The Nazi party used the media carefully to win the support for the regime and popularize its worldview. Nazi ideas were spread through visual images, films, radios, posters, catchy slogans and leaflets.

● The Nazis made equal efforts to appeal to all the different sections of the population. They sought to win their support by suggesting that Nazis alone could solve all their problems.