Following are some of the characteristics of animals:

(i) Diets heavy on fruits

(ii) White far

(iii) Need to migrate

(iv) Loud voice

(v) sticky pads on feet

(vi) Layer of fat under skin

(vii) wide and large paws

(viii) Bright colours

(ix) Strong tails

(x)Long and large beak

For each characteristics indicate whether it is adaptation for tropical rainforests or polar regions. Do you think that some of these characteristics can be adapted for both regions?

No, these characteristics cannot be adapted for both regions as they are specific.

The following table depicts the characteristics:

Characteristics of animals

Adaptation for

(i) Diets heavy on fruits

Tropical rainforests

(ii) White far

Polar region

(iii) Need to migrate

Polar region

(iv) Loud voice

Tropical rainforests

(v) sticky pads on feet

Tropical rainforests

(vi)Layer of fat under skin

Polar region

(vii) wide and large paws

Polar region

(viii) Bright colours

Tropical rainforests

(ix) Strong tails

Tropical rainforests

(x)Long and large beak

Tropical rainforests