This story about a frightening incident is narrated in a humorous way. What makes it humorous? (Think of the contrasts it presents between dreams and reality. Some of them are listed below.)

1. (i) The kind of person the doctor is (money, possessions)

(ii) The kind of person he wants to be (appearance, ambition)

2. (i) The person he wants to marry

(ii) The person he actually marries

3. (i) His thoughts when he looks into the mirror

(ii) His thoughts when the snake is coiled around his arm

write short paragraphs on each of these to get your answer.

The doctor narrated the story in a humorous way.

He lived in a small rented, un-electrified room which was full of rats.

He could never resist looking himself into the mirror, and dream of various ways by which he could look more handsome like he wanted to grow a moustache and thought he had an attractive smile.

He dreamed of marrying a rich-fat woman, who would not be able to chase him if he leaves but instead ends up with a thin-reedy woman who has a gift of a sprinter.

When he encountered the snake, he sat like a stone with flesh and started feeling the presence of god. He even tried in his imagination to write ‘O God’ outside his heart, which makes the frightening incident humorous.