Answer the following questions in not more than 100 - 150 words each:

How does the author describe Kathmandu’s busiest streets?

The author gives a vivid description of Kathmandu streets comprising of small shrines and flower-adorned deities. Apart from the religious places, he describes the narrow and busy streets of Kathmandu observing the fruit sellers, flute sellers, hawkers of postcards, shops selling Western cosmetics, film rolls, chocolates, and those selling copper utensils and Nepalese antiques.

The author also describes the film songs blaring out from the radios, the sound of the car horns, ringing of the bicycle bells and the sounds of the vendors shouting out their wares and the stray cows roaming about the streets.

The author, however, seems to be most fascinated by the flute seller with large amount of bansuris protruding from his pole. Away from the hustle bustle of the streets, he feels that the soothing sound of the flute is much clearer than all the other sounds.