What else do you think Nishad and Maya will find out about him? How? Will they ever be friends? Think about these questions and write a paragraph or two to continue the story.

I think Nishad and Maya will find out that Mr. Nath is actually a nice man. He was in the army had met with an accident that had left with the nasty scars. His family stays abroad and he likes living independently. He doesn’t like going out much because he gets upset when people stare at him. He has a trunk full of books which he reads in his room to spend the day. The Sunday visitor is his nephew who works in the city and comes to see Mr. Nath whenever he can.

Nishad and Maya learn from their mother about Mr. Nath’s illness. He has dust allergy. He goes out only once a day, for a walk early in the morning. Having satisfied their curiosity of him, Nishad and Maya befriend him. They started going to his room in the evening frequently and liked spending time him.