Given the line(s) of symmetry, find the other hole(s):

The other hole is as shown in figure.

Given Figure



The other hole must lie in such a position such that the line of symmetry divides the figure into two identical halves. In this case, the hole lies on the other side of the line of symmetry and in the same corner.

The other hole must lie in such a position such that the line of symmetry divides the figure into two identical halves. In this case, the hole lies on the other side of line of symmetry and on the opposite side.

The other hole must lie in such a position such that the line of symmetry divides the figure into two identical halves. In this case, the hole lies on the other side of the line of symmetry and in the same corner.

The other hole must lie in such a position such that the line of symmetry divides the figure into two identical halves. In this case, the hole lies on the other half of the circle.

The other hole must lie in such a position such that the line of symmetry divides the figure into two identical halves. In this case, the hole lies on either side of the line of symmetry.