A black metal oxide X02 is used as a catalyst in the preparation of oxygen gas from potassium chlorate. The oxide XO2 is also used in ordinary dry cells. The metal oxide XO2 cannot be reduced satisfactorily with carbon to form metal X.

(a) Name the metal X.

(b) Name the metal oxide XO2

(c) Which reducing agent can be used to reduce XO2 to obtain metal X?

(d) Name another metal which can also be extracted by the reduction of its oxide with the above reducing agent.

(a) The name of the metal x is manganese.

(b) The name of the metal oxide XO2 is Manganese dioxide.

(c) Aluminium can be used as a reducing agent to reduce XO2 to obtain metal X.

(d) The another metal which can also be extracted by the reduction of its oxide with the above reducing agent is chromium.