Each word in the box given below indicates ‘a large number of ‘ …..

For example, ‘a herd of cows’ refers to many cows.

Complete each of the following phrases with a suitable word from the box.

1. a _______ of ships

2. a _______ of flowers

3. a _______ of chicks

4. a _______ of cattle

5. a __________ of sticks

6. a __________ of sheep

7. a __________ of fish

8. a __________ of wolves

1. a fleet of ships

2. a bunch of flowers

3. a brood of chicks

4. a herd of cattle

5. a bundle of sticks

6. a flock of sheep

7. a school of fish

8. a pack of wolves

NOTE – The following phrases are known as Collective Nouns which are simply known as words that are used in particular reference to a group of people, animals or things.

For Example – a regiment of soldiers