Complete the following sentences.

(i) Bijju is not seen but his voice is heard because ………………………………

(ii) The writer describes the hill station and valley as ………………………………….

(iii) The leopard was successful in …………….but had to flee when.

(iv) The minivets are easily noticed because ……………

(v) It looks like a fashion display on the slopes when ………………………

(vi) During the monsoon season, snakes and rodents are found in roofs and attics because ……………………..

(i) the mist that covers the hillside hides him.

(ii) “the paradise that might have been”.

(iii) catching a dog

(iv) their bright colours can be easily seen among the green leaves.

(v) ground orchids, maude lady’s slipper and white butterfly orchids bloom.

(vi) their own holes and burrows gets flooded by the rainwater.