List out some useful traits in improved crop.

(a) Higher Yield- The improved crop variety provides higher productivity of crop per acre.

(b) Improved Quality- quality considerations vary for different crops for example for wheat baking quality is important, protein quality in pulses, oil quality in oil seeds.

(c) Biotic and Abiotic resistance- Production of crop can go down by biotic (diseases, insects, nematodes) and abiotic (drought, salinity, water logging, heat, cold) stresses. Resistant crops can improve crop production.

(d) Change in maturity duration- The shorter the duration of maturity the more economical the crop is. This also allows the farmers to grow multiple crops. Uniform maturity makes harvesting easy.

(e) Wider adaptability- with wider adaptability crop production can b e established under different environmental conditions. One variety can be grown under different climatic conditions.