In the given figure, AOB is a diameter of a circle and CD || AB. If BAD = 30°, then CAD = ?

Given: CD||AB and BAD = 30°

Consider ΔABD

ADB = 90° (angle in semicircle)

Now, by angle sum property

ABD + BAD + ADB = 180°

ABD + 30° + 90° = 180°

ABD = 180° – 30° – 90°

ABD = 60°


ABD + ACD = 180° (opposite angles in cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary)

60° + ACD = 180°

BCD = 180° – 60°

BCD = 120°

Here, CD||AB and AC is the transversal

CAB + ACD = 180° (interior angles along the transversal are supplementary)

CAB + 120° = 180°

ABC = 180° – 120° = 60°

ABC = 60°


60° = CAD + 30°

CAD = 60° – 30° = 30°

CAD = 30°