Size of agricultural holdings in a survey of 200 families is given in the following table

Compute median and mode size of the holdings.

(i) Here, N = 200


N/2 = 200/2 = 100

(which lies in the interval 15 – 20)

Lower limit, l = 15,

h = 5,

f = 80 and

fc = 55

= 15 + 2.81

= 17.81 hec

the median is 17.81 hec

(ii) In a given table 80 is the highest frequency.

So, the modal class is 15 - 20.

Here, l = 15,

fm = 80,

f1 = 30,

f2 = 40

h = 5

= 15 + 25/9

= 15 + 2.77 = 17.77 hec

the mode is 17.77 hectare