Match the following column:

Column I

Column II

(a) Sum of all the angles of a quadrilateral is

(p) Right angles

(b) In a ||gm, the angle bisectors of two adjacent angles intersect at

(q) Rectangle

(c) Angle bisectors of a ||gm form a

(r) 90o

(d) The diagonals of a square are equal and bisect each other at an angle of

(s) 4 right angles

The correct answer is:

(a) -……, (b) -……..,

(c) -……, (d) -………,

The correct match for the above given table is as follows:

Column I

Column II

(a) Sum of all the angles of a quadrilateral is

(s) 4 right angles

(b) In a ||gm, the angle bisectors of two adjacent angles intersect at

(p) Right angles

(c) Angle bisectors of a ||gm form a

(q) Rectangle

(d) The diagonals of a square are equal and bisect each other at an angle of

(r) 90o