Which among the following are TRUE about the global commons?

(a) The Earth’s atmosphere, Antarctica, ocean floor and outer space are considered as part of the global commons.

(b) The global commons are outside sovereign jurisdiction.

(c) The question of managing the global commons has reflected the North-South divide.

(d) The countries of the North are more concerned about the protection of the global commons than the countries of the South.

(a) True.

Explanation – Just like a common room or a park, the ‘global commons’ are those resources which are not owned by anyone but rather shared by a community. They are areas or regions of the world located outside the sovereign jurisdiction of any state and therefore require common governance by the international community. Based upon this classification, the Earth’s atmosphere, Antarctica, ocean floor and outer space are considered as the global commons.

(b) True.

Explanation- The global commons are resources that belong not to any individual person or nation but to the community as a whole. Therefore, sovereign jurisdiction doesn’t apply over them and their matters are taken care of by international community.

(c) True.

Explanation- The question of managing the global commons has reflected the north south inequalities as evident from the history of outer space as global commons. Technology and industrial development are crucial issues related to the earth’s atmosphere and the ocean floor. There is difference between the northern and southern countries in their approach to tackle the environmental crises.

(d) False.

Explanation- the countries from both the hemispheres are equally concerned about the conservation of environment. However, they just differ in their approach. The southern countries want the developed northern countries to take up more responsibility for degradation of environment because of industrialisation. The southern countries want their special needs to be addressed as they still have lot of scope for developing. Therefore, a concept of ‘common but differentiated responsibility’ has been achieved.