Read this excerpt from Bernier:

Numerous are the instances of handsome pieces of workmanship made by persons destitute of tools, and who can scarcely be said to have received instruction from a master. Sometimes they imitate so perfectly articles of European manufacture that the difference between the original and copy can hardly be discerned. Among other things, the Indians make excellent muskets, and fowling pieces, and such beautiful gold ornaments that it may be doubted if the exquisite workmanship of those articles can be exceeded by any European goldsmith. I have often admired the beauty, softness, and delicacy of their paintings.

List the crafts mentioned in the passage. Compare these with the descriptions of artisanal activity in the chapter.

In this Excerpt from Bernier’s account we see the description of the various, tools, ornaments and sculptures which were made by Indian artisan and how perfectly it had been carved that he was awestruck with their work and its beauty. Sometime they would the European art and made Bernier confided about its originality.

In this passage the craft such as making of Muskets and following pieces and making beautiful gold ornaments are mentioned. These products were skilfully made. Bernier was amazed to see these products. He would often compare the European style with the Indian art style for more variations.

Comparison of craft referred in the passage with the description of artisanal activity in the chapter like in the chapter both manufacturing and terracotta sculpture and temple architecture has been mentioned. Art of painting has been referred art of carpet manufacturing has been referred art of dance, music, calligraphy have been referred in the chapter description about Rajal Khamos have also been mentioned. A broad spectrum of artisanal activities was practiced in India. He praised the Indian Goldsmiths and their fine work in ornaments which were beautifully crafted alongside he admired the delicate paintings of the Indian artwork.