What were the similarities and differences between the be-shari‘a and ba-sharia sufi traditions?

Shari’a is the Islamic Law that is applied in a truthful Islamic country; it is the law which governs the Muslim community. It is based on the Quran and the Hadis. In the medieval ages Sufi movement emerged and took an important and influential space in the Islamic world. Sufi movement was more of people-centric than being a God-centric movement.

Some Mystics initiated movements based on deep-seated interpretations of Sufi ideals. They ignored rituals and observed celibacy. They ignored rituals and observed extreme forms of asceticism. Because of their conscious insolence of the Sharia they were often referred as be-sharia. In contrast to the ba-sharia sufis who complied with it.

The sufis sought an interpretation of the holy Quran on the basis of their personal experience. The sufis traditions which were anti-sharia are called be-sharia while the traditions of Sufi which are in favour of sharia were called ba-sharia.

Both be-sharia and ba-sharia Sufi tradition are same, they are critical to definitions and methods by theologians. They seek salvation and sought to interpret the Quran on the basis of their personal experience.