Using various resources such as your school Library or the internet and discussions with your teacher, trace the evolutionary stages of any one animal, say horse.
Evolutionary stages of a horse (Equus) occurred in the following way:
S.No. | Name | Time period | Height | Features |
1. | Eiohippus | 52million years ago | 2ft | Premolars simpler than molars, The forelimbs had developed five toes, feet padded like a dog |
2. | Mesohippus | 40 million years ago | More than 2 feet | walked on three toes on each of its front and hind feet, Face, snout and neck slightly longer |
3. | Merychippus | Mesocene period | - | an effective grazer and runner, wider molars, The hind legs, were relatively short, had side toes equipped with small hooves, |
4. | Pliohippus | 12 million years ago | Very similar to modern day horse | had two long extra toes on both sides of the hoof, |
5. | Equus | 5.6 million years ago | 4.5-6ft | Modern day horse, Only 1 toe on each foot, 24 teeth for chewing and grinding. |