What measures, as an individual, would you take to reduce environmental pollution?

As an individual, we can take certain steps to reduce environmental pollution such as:

(i) Using CNG instead of petrol, diesel. Opting more for either public transport or encouraging more and more carpooling.

(ii) Minimising the solid waste generation and recycling the plastic, metal and glass commodities.

(iii) Using the biodegradable waste generated in the kitchen to prepare compost.

(iv) Avoiding the usage of plastic bags wherever possible and opting for the jute or cotton bags.

(v) Avoiding tinned food products.

(vi) Celebrating a cracker-free Diwali and encouraging others to follow it as well.

(vii) Using catalytic converters in the automobiles. Getting them checked for pollution on a regular basis.

(viii) Educating everyone and encouraging them to opt for renewable sources of energy.