Give the reason for bleaching action of Cl2.

(i) Moist chlorine is a good reducing agent because it can accept electrons from other species as it is very electronegative.

(iii) The bleaching action of chlorine is due to oxidation by nascent oxygen produced. This nascent oxygen can be produced by

Chlorine dissolves in water in absence of sunlight and forms hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid(HOCl)

Since hypochlorous acid is not much stable it decomposes giving nascent oxygen.

Cl2 + H2O HCl + HOCl

HOCl HCl + [O]

This [O] is called as nascent oxygen. This nascent oxygen is responsible for bleaching action.

NOTE: Since chlorine has the ability to kill harmful micro-organism it also acts as a good disinfecting agent.