You may be living in a very small town, may be in a very big city, a semi urban settlement or a village.

Describe the place where you live.

What are the features, which make you think it is a town and not a city, a village and not a town, or a city and not a village?

Is there any factory where you live?

Is agriculture the main job that people do?

Is it the occupational nature that has a determining influence?

Is it the buildings?

Is it the availability of educational opportunities?

Is it the way people live and behave?

Is it the way people talk and dress?

I live in Ghaziabad, Delhi NCR.

It is a city. The features that make it so are –

It has large number of population

It has a population composed of people from various cultural backgrounds

The residents have a broad mind set

It is well connected with transport system

It is all the modernised facilities in terms of Medical and education

There are large no. of industries in Ghaziabad.

No, agriculture is not the main job here

All of the above mentioned things influence the city