Read the passage given and answer the questions:

The harsh working conditions suffered by labourers in Aghanbigha were an outcome of the combined effect of the economic power of the maliks as a class and their overwhelming power as members of a dominant caste. A significant aspect of the social power of the maliks was their ability to secure the intervention of various arms of the state to advance their interests. Thus, political factors decisively contributed to widening the gulf between the dominant class and the underclass.

i. Why do you think the maliks were able to use the power of the state to advance their own interests?

ii. Why did labourers have harsh working conditions?

i. The Maliks were from dominant caste and they were politically, socially and economically powerful. This power made them able to use the power of state for their own benefit.

ii. Deliver had to work in harsh working conditions because they were of deprived caste and were not allowed to own land. They were compelled to work in the land of people from dominant caste as labour.