What measures do you think the government has taken, or should take, to protect the rights of landless agricultural labourers and migrant workers?

Since independence government has taken various steps to reform the agricultural sector and especially the land holding system and distribution of land so as to bring development and progress in the agricultural sector. Various land reforms laws were passed at national as well as state level during 1950s to 1970s.

The Major Land Reform Laws that were passed to protect the rights of landless agricultural labourers and migrant workers are –

i. The abolition of Zamindari System, it was most effective among all the land Reform laws as it lessened the political and economic power of the zamindars.

ii. Tenancy Abolition and Regulation Act, it attempted to outlaw the tenancy all together and to regulate rents to give security to the tenants. Though it was not very effectively implemented in most States.

iii. Land Ceiling Act, it fixed an upper limit on the amount of land that can be owned by a particular family. On the basis of this law, the state took possession of the surplus land held by each household and be distributed among the landless families.