What are the different factors that have enabled certain groups to transform themselves into new wealthy, entrepreneurial, dominant classes? Can you think of an example of this transformation in your state?

There are various factors that have enabled certain groups to transform themselves into new wealthy, entrepreneurial and dominant classes. These factors are being discussed below –

i. Land ownership: The cast and classes who became rich purchased big pieces of land and used all the modern means of agriculture so as to increase the agricultural production and became wealthy and thus hold dominant position in the society.

ii. Access to land and resources: The Upper and Middle cast had better access to land and resources as compared to the other caste and which made them powerful and privileged. This had an important implication for the rural society.

iii. The Green Revolution: It brought significant changes. It was a government program for modernization of agriculture and was funded by international agencies. In beginning, only the medium and large farmers were able to take the benefit of the Green Revolution because the inputs were so expensive that the marginal farmers could not afford to spend that much.