Hindi and regional language films were often set in rural areas. Think of a film set in rural India and describe the agrarian society and culture that is shown in it. How realistic do you think the portrayal is? Have you seen any recent film set in rural areas? If not how would you explain it?

Many Hindi as well as regional language movies try to portray the village life of India now and then. Some famous movies among them are - Mother India, Lagaan, Upkaar, etc.

We can't say that these films portray the hundred percent real picture of the village life but to some extent they try to touch their lives and make us aware about the difficulties and other problems faced by them.

Some facts portrayed by these movies are

Forced sale of Agricultural product at less than market price

Zamindari system and its drawbacks

Exploitation of women by zamindars in Olden Times

Lagaan system

Forced loan from money lenders in villages at high rate of interest

 Exploitation by British in colonial period by imposing hi land revenue