A(6, 1), B(8, 2) and C(9, 4) are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD. If E is the midpoint of DC, find the area of ΔADE.

Let (x, y) be the coordinates of D and ( x, y' ) be the coordinates of E. since the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other at the same point, therefore

(x + 8)/2 = (6 + 9)/2

X = 7

(y + 2)/2 = (1 + 4)/2

Y = 3

Thus, the coordinates of D are (7,3)

E is the midpoint of DC,


x = (7 + 9)/2 = 8

y = (3 + 4)/2 = 7/2

Thus, the coordinates of E are ( 8,7/ 2)

Let A(x1,y1) = A(6,1), E(x2,y2) = (8,7/2) and D(x3,y3) = D(7,3)

Now Area

= 1/2(x1(y2−y3) + x2(y3−y1) + x3(y1−y2))

= 1/2(6(7/2–3) + 8(3–1) + 7(1–7/2))

= 1/2(3/2)

= 3/4 sq unit

Hence, the area of the triangle ΔADE is 3/4 sq. units.