How will the Maharaja prepare himself for the hundredth tiger which was supposed to decide his fate?

After killing 99 tigers, the Maharaja had to kill one more to realize his ambition. He was especially wary of it since it would cause his death. The Tigers were becoming extinct in his father-in-law's kingdom and it had become difficult to locate one more tiger anywhere. When he heard that one tiger had been located in a forest in his own kingdom, he set out to hunt for it but was unable to locate it. He waited until the tiger was found but to no avail. He was furious and fired several officers and ordered his Dewan to increase the land tax. The Dewan then bought the tiger from people's park in Madras and planned to drop it off at the forest where the Maharaja was hunting. But the tiger happened to encounter the Maharaja by chance, and with a single shot, the old beast collapsed. The Maharaja had fulfilled his vow.