Arrange the following polymers in increasing order of their intermolecular forces.

(i) Nylon 6,6, Buna-S, Polythene.

(ii) Nylon 6, Neoprene, Polyvinyl chloride.

Based on the intermolecular forces, the polymers are classified into elastomers, fibres, thermoplastic polymers, thermosetting polymers.

1. ELASTOMERS- They have the weakest intermolecular forces. Eg: Buna-S, Buna- N.

2. FIBRES- They have the strongest intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding. Eg: Nylon(6,6)

3. THERMOPLASTIC POLYMERS- They have the intermolecular forces in between the elastomers and the fibres. Eg: Polystyrene

The structure of these three is shown as:

Thus, we can arrange them as follows:

(i) Buna-S < Polythene < Nylon(6,6):

(ii) Neoprene<Polyvinyl chloride<Nylon 6