How many significant figures are present in the following?

Rules for Determination of Significant Figures:

[i] All non-zero digits are significant.

For example: 146 cm has three significant figures.

[ii] The zeros placed to the left of the first non-zero digit in the given physical quantity are not significant.

For example: 0.56cm has two significant figures.

[iii] The zeros placed to the right of the decimal point are significant.

For example: 15,0cm has three significant figures.

[iv] The zeros placed between two non-zero digits are significant.

For example: 6.08cm has three significant figures.

(i) 0.0025 – 2 significant figures

(ii) 208 – 3 significant figures

(iii) 5005 – 4 significant figures

(iv) 126,000 – 3significant figures

(v) 500.0 – 4 significant figures

(vi) 2.0034 – 5 significant figures