Why do you think is the advice of the Council of Ministers binding on the President? Give your answer in not more than 100 words.

As the constitution of India provides for a parliamentary system of government, the council of ministers is headed by the Prime Minister who is the real executive authority. In India the president has been made only a nominal executive by the constitution; his place in administration is that of a ceremonial device or a seal by which the nation’s decision are made known. President is bound to act on the advice of the council of ministers. As in a parliamentary system, the President is the formal head of the government and According to Article 74, there shall be council of ministers with the Prime Minister at the head to aid and advice the President, who shall in the exercise of his functions, act in accordance with such advice. Provided that the President may require the council of ministers to reconsider such advice and shall act in accordance with the advice tendered after such reconsideration.

The executive is answerable to parliament, and parliament is answerable to public. It means that executive is indirectly accountable to the public this is why advice was made binding. Thus, the executive, legislative, judicial and emergency powers of the President are exercised only on the advice of the Council of Ministers.