The parliamentary system of executive vests many powers in the legislature for controlling the executive. Why, do you think, is it so necessary to control the executive?

It is necessary and essential to have a control on the executive to ensure its accountability to the elected legislature. There are various mechanisms that make certain the executive is controlled and answerable by the people’s representatives so that there is complete impartiality and transparency. It is necessary to control the executive, so it works according to the laws and we can keep a check on its working accordingly. Control on executive also avoids the chances of personality cult domination and check the subjective functioning. In a Parliamentary system, the Prime Minister is the head of the government and President act as a nominal head. In India we function in parliamentary system. The executive is answerable to the parliament. It has several powers and functions that the executive enjoys until its confidence in the parliament. To ensure that government would be aware and sensitive to public needs and expectations it becomes really important that the legislature which is the body elected by the people should control it which becomes important for the development of its nations citizens.