The following are some proposals for making the Parliament more effective. State if you agree or disagree with each of them and give your reasons. Explain what would be the effect if these suggestions were accepted.

A. Parliament should work for longer period.

B. Attendance should be made compulsory for members of Parliament.

C. Speakers should be empowered to penalise members for interrupting the proceedings of the House.

A. Yes, I agree that Parliament should work for longer period.

There are several important issues which require utter importance but due to shortage of time are not discussed. Therefore, parliament should work for longer period to discuss about the important issues.

B. Yes, I agree that Attendance should be made compulsory for members of parliament as this would lead to presence of members while taking crucial decision. This would also encourage members to present their views.

C. I agree that Speakers should be empowered to penalise members for interrupting the proceedings of the House. As this would prevent wastage of time during discussion and maintain dignity of parliament.