Explain the reason for requiring special majority for amending the Constitution.

There is an important reason for requiring a special majority for amending the constitution to ensure that people are participating, debating on the bill by following the process properly. It also ensures that parties do not pass the amendment illogically and the proposed amendment gains the support of majority from the total strength of both the houses in the parliament. This special majority is required so that the opposition parties are taken into confidence and also this special majority is seen as an inclination towards creating broad support among parliament members on amendment procedure. To amend the bill it is really important to have majority. Those voting in favour of the bill should form at least half of the total strength of that House. Those members who are actually taking part in the voting process for amending the bill must constitute two-third of its supporters. Articles related to power distribution between the centre or the state or articles that are related to representation or with federal structure and fundamental right all these article amendments in a manner which ensures proper involvement and consultation of the state. The constitution has ensured this by providing the legislatures with half of the States to pass an amendment bill. Thus, through broad consensus the Constitution of India can be amended with special majority in decision making.