Name the three basic tissue systems in Plants. Give the tissue names under each system.
There are three basic types of tissues found in Plants.(i) Dermal plant tissue system.(ii) Vascular plant tissue system – xylem and phloem.(iii) Ground or fundamental tissue system.These three tissues perform various functions for the smooth working of plants. Each tissue contributes to the functioning of an organ. For example, leaf is an organ. It has the following tissues - epidermis for the protection and exchange of gases, mesophyll for carrying out photosynthesis and vascular tissue for the conduction of food, water and minerals.In plants, mainly two types of tissues are found,(i) meristematic and(ii) permanent tissues.(i) Meristematic tissues:A meristematic tissue is a group of cells that are in a continuous state of division and thus produces new cells. They are found in the growing regions of a plant's shoot tip and root tip and also in lateral regions. According to their position, meristems are of three types: (a) apical meristems, which are present at the tips of the stems, roots and branches, (b) lateral meristems, which are present along the side of the stems, and (c) the third type of meristem is intercalary meristems, which are found at the bases of internodes and leaf sheaths of monocotyledonous plants.(ii) Permanent tissue:Permanent tissues do not divide. They are composed of mature cells and after undergoing complete growth, they have assumed a definite shape, size and function and have lost the power of division. Permanent tissues are of the following types,Epidermis:These are one cell thick tissues, which are found converging and protecting the plant surface. In the aerial parts of the plant, a waxy substance may cover this tissue. This is called the cuticle. Cuticle protects the plant from water loss, mechanical injury and invasion of pathogens. The epidermis may have hair or glands on it. The epidermis of leaves and green stems may have a large number of openings called stomata.Collenchyma:This tissue has polygonal cells and unevenly thickened walls, which are prominent at the corners. The main function of this tissue is to give strength to the plant parts.Sclerenchyma:This tissue is composed of dead cells. The main functions of this tissue are to give mechanical support to the organs in which it is found. Sclerenchyma consists of two types of cells - the fibres and sclereids. These two differ in shape and size. Fibres are elongated, flexible cells with tapering ends. Some sclerids are called stone.Parenchyma:These are thin-walled, many sided and of different shapes. They retain the ability to divide at maturity. Their main function is storage.When Parenchyma is situated at the periphery of the organ and contains chloroplasts, it is called collenchyma. These cells perform photosynthesis. In aquatic plants, the parenchyma cells having regular system of intercellular air spaces are present. This is called parenchyma.Vascular tissues:This tissue is called conduction tissue and is composed of xylem and phloem. Xylem is responsible for the transport of water and minerals and phloem is responsible for the translocation of organic food materials.