What are the harmful effects of photochemical smog and how can they be controlled?

Photochemical smog has many adverse effects.

1. When combined with hydrocarbons, the chemicals contained within it form molecules that cause eye irritation.

2. Radicals in the air interfere with the nitrogen cycle by preventing the destruction of ground-level ozone.

3. At higher concentrations, photochemical smog causes chest pain, headaches, throat dryness, and various respiratory ailments.

4. Ground level ozone is also produced which has various effects on the human body.

The control measures:

1. The use of catalytic converters in automobiles is recommended to prevent the release of NO2 and hydrocarbons into the atmosphere.

2. Plantation of plants such as Pinus, Juniparur, Quercus, Pyrus, and Vitis is also advised as these plants have the capability to metabolize NO2.