All citizens may be granted equal rights but all may not be able to equally exercise them. Explain.

All citizens may be granted equal rights but all may not be able to equally exercise them due to various Factors: 1. Poverty 2. Lack of education 3. Socio-economic inequality 4. Lack of awareness of Political rights 5. Corruption in government and its services

We can see how each and every citizen has provided equal right but they are not able to exercise it equally. For example, all the children have a Right to Education but some children cannot avail this right due to poverty, gender basis, labour or lack of awareness and opportunities. Many sections of the society including women, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe are not aware about the rules, norms of the constitution which is favouring them and safeguard their right thus are not able o seek legal remedies thus face violence and harassment. Different needs and claims of the people should be considered when framing the policies for more equal access and their engagement.