Arrange the bonds in order of increasing ionic character in the molecules: LiF, K2O, N2, SO2, and ClF3.

N2 < SO2 <CIF3 < K2O < LiF

Explanation: First, we have to find out the ionic character in each molecule. As we know that ionic character in a molecule depends upon the electronegativity difference between the atoms. The higher the electronegativity difference, higher will be the ionic character.

LiF = The electronegativity of Li is 0.98 and electronegativity of F are 3.98. Hence the electronegativity difference between Li—F atoms is 3

K2O = The electronegativity of K is 0.82 and the electronegativity of oxygen is 3.4. Hence the electronegativity difference between

K2—O atoms is 2.58

N2 = The electronegativity of N is 3.04. Hence the electronegativity difference between N—N atoms is 0

SO2 = The electronegativity of S is 2.58 and the electronegativity of oxygen is 3.4. Hence the electronegativity difference between

S—O2 atoms is 0.82

CIF3 = The electronegativity of F, I and C is 3.9, 2.6 and 2.5 respectively. Hence the electronegativity difference between

C—I—F3 atoms is 1.2

As 0 < 0.9 < 1.2 < 2.58 < 2.92

The ionic character increases with increase in the electronegativity difference.

N2 < SO2 <CIF3 < K2O < LiF